Vakblad ENDO, endodontic practice today

ENDO, endodontic practice today is een Engelstalig vakblad dat elk kwartaal verschijnt. Een abonnement via de NVvE kost € 120, –  (d.d. 1/1/2019).
Via de uitgever is dit € 170, – per jaar.

Onderstaand de beschrijving van ENDO, bron:

ENDO – Endodontic Practice Today

Edited by Antionio Bonaccorso, Bun San Chong, Edgar Schafer, and Luc van der Sluis

The aim and scope of ENDO is to publish articles relevant to the science and practice of endodontics and interdisciplinary fields. It is intended for dental practitioners with an interest in endodontics including specialist endodontists. The focus will be on clinically relevant and scientifically based articles. Its purpose is to act as a bridge between original science and clinical practice. The Journal will also include contributions on endodontics in relation to periodontics, traumatology, paedodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, prosthodontics and implantology.

Tables of contents and abstracts are available free of charge to subscribers and non-subscribers alike from 2007 to the current issue.

4 issues per year.

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