European Society of Endodontology

ESE heeft nieuwe toelatingsprocedure

ESE heeft een nieuwe toelatingsprocedure voor gecertificeerde leden en gastleden.

Kijk hier voor meer informatie.

De ESE over de voordelen van het lidmaatschap:

Currently, the benefits of individual ESE membership are:
• The honour of being recognised as an individual member of the ESE;
• Reduced registration fee at ESE meetings;
• Personal details, if desired, available on the ESE website for the general public, general
dentists and colleagues to access;
• Subscription to the IEJ at a reduced rate (if not already received through a National Society);
• Emails informing you of events and news of interest;
• Invitations to social events at ESE congresses.
• Support of ESE research, developments in education, Position Statement and Guideline
development through the membership fee;
• Networking with a group of ESE member colleagues;
• Invitation to biennial research and clinical meetings.

Additional benefits are being developed.

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